Sunday, June 20, 2010

Getting started

This is my second and final attempt to get this blog off the ground, if it does not work then good by cruel world. In this confounded world of electronic devices I don't know where to begin so I will just start and see where it goes.
There are few things in this world that I love more than a beautiful grove of quaking aspen on a fall day. Some of those things that I love more are my beautiful wife, my four offspring (I find it hard to say kids at their age even though they still act like it in my opinion but that is a post for a different time) and my still growing collection of grandchildren.
Any way back to quaky trees. There is a quaky at a place called Potato Lake that has expressed my eternal love for my wife for a quarter of a century. I have not seen it in a couple of years but I hope it is still there. Since finding my passion for carving I have discovered that underneath the beautiful white bark of the quaky are many treasures. These treasures can only come to life once the quaky tree has decease though so don't go looking for them in live trees. Under that bark lay the images of trout, stone faced Native Americans, and mountain men that long ago past by that tree.

Well, so begins my first post..


  1. There is life beyond the natural life in the wood... and there is magic, and you find it, bring it forward for all to see. You are gifted, you are talented, and you are inspiring. As a young child, I loved to watch you widdle on a stick in the mountains. As an adult, I love to see the creations you discover on flat, round, long, short, skinny, and rotund objects. And I love you Dad! Welcome to the online world of journaling.

  2. YAY! You're online!! :) I can't wait to read more. I love you. oh and ditto what Kattie said LOL :D
